Acupuncture for headaches
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of year to treat many medical conditions. Many migraine sufferers report benefit from acupuncture, and there have been a number of studies researching the effect of acupuncture on the frequency and severity of migraine headcheese.
After a number of trials were considered together, it was shown that there is consistent evidence that acupuncture provides additional benefit to the treatment of acute migraine attacks over the standard medical treatment that is offered to most migraine sufferers. These studies suggest that acupuncture is at least as effective as drug treatments aimed at preventing migraine, with fewer adverse effects.
There is also now evidence that acupuncture could be a valuable non-pharmacological tool in patients with frequent episodic or chronic tension-type headaches.
Acupuncture should be considered a treatment option for patients willing to undergo this treatment. However, it should be noted that there is no evidence for an effect of 'true' acupuncture over sham interventions, though this is difficult to interpret, as exact point location could be of limited importance.
Get frequent migraines? Act now!
If you or a member of your family suffer from frequent migraines then we may be able to help. Simply contact us to book an appointment for assessment and treatment at one of our clinics (or if you have any questions).